Focus and Scope

  • Classical Immunology: Covering epidemiology, pathogen interactions, and immune system anatomy and physiology.
  • Immunology and Infectious Diseases: Topics like innate and adaptive immunity, vaccine development, and infection management.
  • Autoimmunity Research: In-depth studies on immune system dysfunctions and related therapies.
  • Hypersensitivity: Research on allergic reactions, autoimmune responses, and related clinical treatments.
  • Developmental Immunology: Focusing on immune system development from fetal life to adulthood.
  • Immunotherapy Publications: Exploring innovative treatments for diseases through immune modulation.
  • Reproductive Immunology Studies: Investigating immune responses in reproduction, including pregnancy and implantation.
  • Infection Control Nursing: Strategies and practices for controlling infections within healthcare settings.
  • Nursing Care Plans: Practical approaches to nursing diagnosis and patient care.

Unique Features

Submission Guidelines

Why Choose IJIN?

  1. Impact Factor: IJIN has a growing impact factor, reflecting its influence and relevance in the field of immunological nursing.
  2. Wide Reach: The journal is indexed in major databases, ensuring your work reaches a global audience.
  3. Supportive Editorial Board: The experienced editorial team provides guidance and support throughout the submission process.

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Journal TitleJournal FeaturesFocus & ScopeAuthor GuidelinesManuscript Submission
International Journal of Immunological NursingPeer-reviewed, Hybrid Open-Access, Broad AudienceFocus & ScopeAuthor GuidelinesSubmit Manuscript