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Press Release India's Premier Nursing Article Writing CompetitionThe Centre For Continuing Nursing Excellence (CCNE) is organizing India's Premier Nursing Article Writing Competition for academicians, research scholars, and students on the following multiple indicative nursing topics: Centre for Continuing Nursing Excellence (CCNE) is a platform for innovations, sharing ideas, building networks of professionals and academicians globally. The ambition of CCNE is to disseminate the advancement in the field of nursing in managing certain health care issues and developing clinical practices.
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Registration has been started from 15th July 2021 and will continue till 31st July 2021. To register yourself please click on the link given below: | |
Contact Center for Continuing Nursing Excellence (CCNE), A-118, 1st Floor, Sector- 63, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India |
Press Release
The competition provides a platform for nursing professionals to express their unique work. The primary objective of this competition is to develop a sense of enthusiasm towards nursing research and provide a platform to exhibit the skills in a way that is helpful to the nursing fraternity. All participants will get the Publication Opportunities, e- Certificate, Constructive Feedback to all submitted manuscripts.