1. Wide Audience Reach: By publishing in IJGN, authors gain access to a global readership of healthcare professionals and researchers dedicated to elderly health care and aging research.
  2. Rigorous Peer Review: Ensuring the highest standards of quality, the journal employs a thorough peer-review process, overseen by an esteemed editorial board.
  3. Hybrid Open Access: The hybrid open-access model allows for greater flexibility and ensures that important research is accessible to a wider audience, enhancing the impact of published work.
  4. Diverse Manuscript Types: IJGN welcomes a variety of manuscript types, including original research articles, review articles, case studies, and short communications, providing multiple avenues for researchers to share their findings.
Journal TitleFeaturesFocus & ScopeAuthor GuidelinesManuscript Submission
International Journal of Geriatric NursingPeer-reviewed, Hybrid Open Access, Interdisciplinary FocusFocus and ScopeAuthor GuidelinesSubmit Manuscript