1. Focus on Evidence-Based Nursing: At IJEBNP, the emphasis is on evidence-based practices that provide opportunities for nursing care to be more individualized, effective, and streamlined. This approach ensures that nursing practices evolve with the latest technological advancements and new knowledge developments.
  2. Comprehensive Scope: The journal covers a wide range of topics including patient safety, clinical outcomes improvement, healthcare cost reduction, and patient values. This broad focus allows for diverse research areas to be explored, from health promotion and chronic disease management to patient empowerment and psychological support.
  3. High Visibility and Impact: As a hybrid open-access journal, IJEBNP ensures that your research reaches a wide audience. Open access articles are freely available, increasing the visibility and impact of your work within the nursing community and beyond.
  4. Rigorous Peer Review: Each manuscript submitted to IJEBNP undergoes a thorough peer-review process. This ensures that only high-quality research is published, maintaining the journal’s reputation for excellence in evidence-based nursing practices.
  5. Support for Authors: IJEBNP provides comprehensive guidelines and support for authors throughout the submission and publication process. Whether you are a seasoned researcher or new to publishing, the journal offers resources to help you succeed.

Key Areas of Research

  • Patient Safety: Research on heuristics, human-centered design, and root cause analysis contributes to safer healthcare environments.
  • Clinical Outcomes: Studies focused on health improvement, organizational theory, and population health integration drive better clinical results.
  • Healthcare Costs: Innovations in payment models and value-based care aim to make healthcare more cost-effective.
  • Patient Values: Empowering patients and enhancing the patient-provider relationship are central to improving patient outcomes.
  • Clinical Expertise: Research on secondary care, medication handling, and clinical interventions ensures best practices in nursing care.


Journal TitleJournal FeaturesFocus & ScopeAuthor GuidelinesManuscript Submission
International Journal of Evidence-Based Nursing and PracticesPeer-reviewed, Hybrid open-access, High visibilityFocus & ScopeAuthor GuidelinesSubmit Manuscript